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For to Us a Child is Born

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

As we hear the names bestowed upon our Lord, let us feel that we have no other option than to proclaim a multiplicity of praises. We praise a Savior who is alive and gives life to all people so that many may experience the joys of knowing Him. Are there any other children, but Christ, of whom we can say “this child is a Mighty God”? Certainly not! Even the most wonderful counselors and peaceful people cannot be called The Wonderful Counselor or The Prince of Peace. These titles belong to our God alone. As a Wonderful Counselor, He gives wise and joy-filling guidance to His people. They need not seek self-help, for a child was born in order to restore souls and make His people lie down in green pastures (Ps. 23:1, 3). This same God is a mighty one whose understanding is unsearchable and who does not grow faint or weary. So, He gives power to the faint and increases the strength of those without might (Is. 40:28-29).

Further, He is an Everlasting Father–He is a gentle provider who ever lives. And His children can expect Him to forever be this for them, as the Psalmist says, He remains the same, and His years never end (Ps. 102:27). If all this is not enough to ease our soul, we are also told that our Lord is a Prince of Peace. He gives rest to his people. As he lived on earth, He said, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). If we do not already feel inexplicable joy, then we should press on to know this child who was born, and if we do feel pure happiness then let us seek to increase our love for Him whom we proclaim.



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